Lighting Tests 07/15/2021

I’ve started to put some more pieces of the setup together. Here I used a couple of Aputure lights and some simple soft boxes. The softboxes did a good job of illuminating the backdrop, without casting shadows from other objects. This also meant that the gel colors were less intense on the background, but I think it works.

I used an Aputure light as a hair light to pull the goat puppet off the background and look like the early morning sunlight.

The Sigma FP, camera works so well in low light and at higher ISO values that it was really easy to shoot most of this at F8 to get a deeper depth of field (more depth in focus). It also worked well at ISO 100 at F1.9 on this Mamiya 80mm medium format lens I was using.

I added a crumpled cloth underneath the set ground on the table to give it some shape and interest. This will be a useful way to create variety.

I have an optical snoot that I am interesting in experimenting with custom disks to get some stylized looks.

Thanks to Hand Made Puppet Dreams for giving me some support to push this journey forward. It’s a tall order to have to do the filming, light and puppetry by myself on top of everything else, but it’s the only way this project will move forward.